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Abdullah is a Jordanian author and digital creator with a passion for op-ed writing and content creation. He has successfully self-published his first short book in Arabic and English, and focuses on topics related to youth, entrepreneurship, and the digital world.

Abdullah Al Habahbeh


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The Introverted Empathetic Personality 

Short Book 

This book discusses the introverted and empathetic personalities as part of human nature. It addresses the nature of being an introvert and an empath, their traits, and how to accept and deal with it, in a brief fashion based on personal experience.

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الشخصية الانطوائية المتعاطفة

كتاب قصير 

يطرح هذا الكتاب موضوع الشخصية الانطوائية المتعاطفة كطبيعة بشرية، بحيث تم التطرق لماهية الشخصية الانطوائية المتعاطفة، وصفاتها، وكيفية تقبلها والتعامل معها بأسلوب مختصر مبني على تجربة شخصية.

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